Marvel not that I said unto you that you must be born again:  You are the angels of heaven. 

MMXII Born Again: JV MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei Per Benedictvs Espiritvs Sancti La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes, 78000 France,  Le bureau de JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st Primogentivs Fivs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum est et Rex Regum et Reginarum nom de plume JC Angelcraft Rex Angeli in gratia Espiritvs Sancti Rex Intima, Rex Universvm, Quod pastor est cor meum 

May 24, 2021

Do you want to meet an angel? Sure you do. First look closely in the mirror at yourself and you will see an angel.   You may not look like an angel, but you are an angel.   Your spirit, like the human body, is made in the image of God.   No matter what your station in life is, you are important.  No matter how your life turned out, you are important.  Every single one of you.  You are the angels of heaven.  You have no leader outside your body but the Holy Spirit.

Thanks to the fact we serve a loving, sovereign Holy Spirit, we live in a world where liars pose a great threat to our physical, spiritual and emotional well being.   Corruption and the practicing satanist is the product of living in a free world.  Satanism created atheism.  Together this combination has forced the earth into a tribulation.  Satanism and atheism which prefer communism, socialism and corrupt democracy or government are not intended to rule the world forever, together or separately.  Even less their are their forms of corruption to continue in control of technology or possessing things that are not theirs to posses.   The people of corruption can be said to be fallen angels.  It can happen to any of us if the circumstances are right.

Do you still want to meet an angel? Sure you do. Look closely in the mirror at yourself and you will see an angel. No matter what your station in life is, you are important.  No matter how your life turned out, you are important.  Every single one of you.  You are the angels of heaven.  You have no leader outside your body, but the Holy Spirit who exists everywhere in time and space.  Angels cannot exist everywhere in time and space and their greatest challenge is helping others, not lying or conspiring against me, each other or the world.

When imagining meeting an angel, nobody thinks about looking at themselves. Everyone draws inferences and conclusions from the spiritual learning of their own lives. For the uneducated, such as the average communist atheist, there are many teachings and fictional movies and documentaries available about angels.  The trick is not learning to much.  To much learning and teaching about angels is not healthy. Esoteric gurus love to teach about angels and  use these teachings to corrupt the good angels.

If you get asked “Do want to learn about  angels? I am an expert,” says the person.  “No thanks,” you say. “

All the guru talk about angels always ends at Lucifer the so called angel of light who is not a god and has never been a god.  No such thing as Lucifer exists! The devil is an invention, a legend from the Bible who was defeated by Michael the archangel in battle and thrown into the bottomless pit.   The evil or d’evil as they say in some parts is a collective of people who fabricate their devil into every culture and work in conspiracy against their brothers and sisters.

There are many people who learn about angels on their own by reading books.   I think for many the fascination about angels is embedded in their soul.  Is it true? Is it not true? Many ask themselves.  For people who read and believe in the Bible, the Book from Qum’an, the Avesta, imagining an angel might be different from those who read the Sanskrit records we have in the whole of Hindu scripture.  In Sanskrit writing there are descriptions of supernatural celestial beings, deva, from a legendary period in our history that are understood to be angels.  That would be us.  Now angels write all sorts of garbage to keep their brothers and sisters in spiritual, psychological, physical, financial and political slavery.

As angels you have lived a long time, an untold number of years.  Each of you have an individual, unique and important history, the work of many lifetimes that help you to live in today’s modern world.   If you are an atheist consider coming to your senses and no matter how your life turns out, remember that you will come back to try again.  You are an angel of heaven.

In the old days we believed we were angels and God the Holy Spirit was our leader and there was always someone to lead us in the knowledge of God, even if it was the Holy Spirit when there was no one qualified to teach us.  Nothing has changed. Before Judaism, existed, the world believed in the divinity of human life  and in reincarnation.  Being born again is perhaps one of our most basic teachings which when life dos not go as well as we hoped for, there is always the resurrection of our soul.  Resurrection means to come back to life.  The souls of Angels resurrect and are born over and over again for an untold time to live and experience everything the Universes and the galaxies have to offer.   You are the angels of heaven.    

Humans are angels and many, because of atheism and satanism in government, live lives that are less than satisfying.  And God has to judge and bring to justice your brother’s and sisters who have become professional atheists and guru tyrants   to free you from their tyranny and the many conspiracies that they daily place you in.  You are the angels of heaven and you will remember God’s justice.

At death, every angel is reminded of the irony of their existence.  When the average atheist dies (as opposed to the professional atheist)  and they go to heaven for a little while and reflect on their life they say “that was terrible!  I could have lived a richer life communing with the Holy Spirit.” Others come to the realization that the Holy Spirit used their atheist ancestor alters to communicate and that it was the Holy Spirit who was giving them wisdom and not the ancestor.

You are the angels of heaven. You may not look like an angel, but you are an angel.   Your spirit, like the human body, is made in the image of God.   No matter what your station in life is, you are important.  No matter how your life turned out, you are important.  Every single one of you. Do you still not believe?   Of course you do, but here is another exercise.  The next time you are outside or watching television, look at what you believe to be the last person you would talk to and there is another angel.   An indigenous woman begging for charity on the street is a glorious angel working out her salvation while trying to survive in the new life that God gave her.  She could have had a better life, but her fellow angels let her down.  Sometimes our misery is our own fault or the fault of corruption in government.

When I was younger, I used to study angels.  I had a serious encyclopedia of the names of over 1,000,000 angels which I purchased in my young impressionable years.  I eventually departed from that book.   People of the occult and religion are into the names of angels, but there is no invocation that gives anyone control over angels.

In addition the names Michael the Archangel and Gabriel are terrestrial names.  This is because Michael & Gabriel are regular souls and people  from history.  They fought real battles and reincarnate just like everyone else.  You do not pray to them or invoke them rather you pray for them like you pray for each other.

 There is no angel so superior that they live always in the heavens.   Even Jesus Christ, who some consider God, like Hindus regard Lord Krishna, reincarnates an in his carnal state he suffers the same limitations as all humans do. The only difference is when Jesus reincarnates he is the chosen leader, a prophet messenger of international implications and made perfectly for the times.

You are the angels of heaven. No matter what your station in life is, you are important.  No matter how your life turned out, you are important.  Every single one of you.  Our Holy Spirit regards every single angel like a son or a daughter,  uniquely and perfectly and many more exists on planets in every the galaxy spread across vast distances of space.  The power of the Holy Spirit is well vested in making sure the angels of the heavens develop into better spiritual beings. You are the angels of heaven on this planet you shall work and toil and born again.

MMXII Born Again: JV MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei Per Benedictvs Espiritvs Sancti La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes, 78000 France,  Le bureau de JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st Primogentivs Fivs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum est et Rex Regum et Reginarum nom de plume JC Angelcraft Rex Angeli in gratia Espiritvs Sancti Rex Intima, Rex Universvm, Quod pastor est cor meum