Marvel not that I said unto you that you must be born again:  A young boy looking through the trash

MMXII Born Again: JV MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei Per Benedictvs Espiritvs Sancti La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes, 78000 France,  Le bureau de JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st Primogentivs Fivs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum est et Rex Regum et Reginarum nom de plume JC Angelcraft Rex Angeli in gratia Espiritvs Sancti Rex Intima, Rex Universvm, Quod pastor est cor meum 


Born Again 

marvel not that I said unto you that you must be born again.  John 3:7 

A  young man named Bret who used to be doctor was born again.  He was a good man in his previous life and now he was born again into a poor country, one that he used to send money to help the people, but not enough people cared and the country was still very poor.    Bret does not know that he was a doctor.  Now he is a young man without an education.   After getting their marijuana laws passed anarchists still burned his school down and it had to close.    Bret has forgotten his previous life and looks through the trash for plastic, metals and aluminum to recycle.  Plastic pays better than aluminum where he is.   Bret was not punished. He did nothing wrong in his previous life other than vote for corrupted men and corrupted systems of politics which kept countries poor and anarchism in motion.  Like many people,  Bret had no other choice.    The Holy Spirit is with him every day and makes sure he always has food to eat and water to drink.   Considering his situation, he is in pretty good health.

MMXII Born Again: JV MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei Per Benedictvs Espiritvs Sancti La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes, 78000 France,  Le bureau de JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st Primogentivs Fivs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum est et Rex Regum et Reginarum nom de plume JC Angelcraft Rex Angeli in gratia Espiritvs Sancti Rex Intima, Rex Universvm, Quod pastor est cor meum